“PMA” (Positive Mental Attitude) I scratched my head as I read the title of the fishing seminar I was about to attend.  All I could think was; am I reading this right?  Shouldn’t it be titled something like power fishing, finesse fishing, shouldn’t the word fishing at least be in the title?  I was at a fishing show but I was about to walk into a seminar suited for a self-help conference.  I checked my ticket one more time just to make sure I hadn’t walked into a self-help seminar by mistake.

A Positive Mental Attitude was the topic Elite Series angler Gerald Swindle covered.   I listened as the fast talking southerner; self-proclaimed, proud redneck covered the topic.  I could not help but see myself in his words.  I would venture to say any angler who sat in the room during his seminar at some point could see themselves reflected in some way.

The main point that GMAN was getting at is that anglers can be their own worst enemy.  Anglers let the negatives affect them when we are on or off the water.  Before we ever make a cast an angler can ruin their day by allowing a bad attitude to control them.

I can’t tell you how many times I thought the day was ruined while launching my boat.  Those days are the ones I know I didn’t catch them; sure I might have gotten a few bites but not many.  It’s the days I am relaxed and having fun that I catch them.  The best day I ever had on the water I caught more bass than I ever had, the exact number escapes me now but it was over fifty.  I was relaxed I was enjoying myself I was out to have fun (and maybe trying to catch more bass than my wife).  I believe a lot of times we forget to have fun even during a tournament.

Tournament anglers stand to learn the most from the idea of Positive Mental Attitude.  When the day doesn’t go as we planned or we don’t have a limit by the time we feel we should we get down and begin letting negative thoughts flow.  Be honest with yourself, things seem to go from bad to worse.  The idea of PMA is to not let the little things or even big things get you down.  So what, you aren’t catching them, you lost a fish or two.  Look at the positives you are still out fishing.  You are away from the daily grind.  The phone isn’t ringing off the hook; no office, no boss, it is just you and the fish.

Those outside the world of fishing don’t understand the passion and drive that leads us back time and time again to chase fish.  When anglers stand in their own way by having a bad attitude, we are not only hurting ourselves but the time we have to spend enjoying something amazing.  We allow that attitude to spoil those precious hours on the water.

Having a Positive Mental Attitude while on the water makes the time more enjoyable.  If we think hard about it, I am sure every angler has been on the water with someone who is not catching them or having a bad day.  I know I have shared the boat with a friend and hoped and prayed he catches them because if he didn’t his negativity would ruin my day.  I got to the point I wouldn’t invite him to fish with me because his attitude got so bad.  If we are honest with ourselves no one wants to be that guy.  We don’t want to be the one who ruins a fishing trip.  Allowing a bad attitude to surround us, can and will ruin it.

When we only think about the negatives we are also affecting those around us.  If we want to pass our love of fishing on to the next generation then we have to stay positive.  We cannot be negative on the boat with those we are trying to introduce to the sport.  No one will find joy and a love for fishing surrounded by negativity.

On your next trip out fishing, think about having a positive mental attitude when things go wrong.  Don’t let the issues at the boat ramp or the birds nest in your bait caster get you upset.  Instead think about the fact that you are out fishing, the fact that you could be at work but instead you are doing what you love.  Swindle said one thing that really hit home.  He basically said if you have a positive mental attitude on the water it will carry over into the rest of your life.  So keep your chin up the next time things go wrong on the water, don’t think about the bad instead focus on the good.  You never know what else might change in your life if you have the right attitude.

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